Complaints register
Midtown maintains a community contact phone number as well as a postal address and a dedicated project email address. Through either the phone number, postal address or project email address, members of the community can find out more about the project and lodge feedback or complaints.
Below is the complaints register to date for the project.
Reporting period – 2020
Date of Complaint | Date of response | Nature of complaint | Development approval | Project response | Complaint status | Emergency complaint |
Reporting period – 2021
Date of Complaint | Date of response | Nature of complaint | Development approval | Project response | Complaint status | Emergency complaint |
02/07/21 | 02/07/21 | After hours noise complaint | SSDA 8903 | Offered to meet on site to explain works. Advised no night works occurring at Midtown. Referred the individual to the TNSW website and working hours, confirming the works were in fact TNSW. Also provided contact details for TNSW and their contractor. | Closed | No |
29/11/21 | 30/11/21 | Dead trees on northern property boundary | SSDA 8903 | Dead trees removed | Closed | No |
Reporting period – 2022
Date of Complaint | Date of response | Nature of complaint | Development approval | Project response | Complaint status | Emergency complaint |
26/04/22 | 11/5/22 | Crane & security lights shining into adjoining property overnight. | SSDA 8903 | Crane lights will be turned off outside of working hours, security guard has been instructed not to shine torchlight onto neighbouring building. | Closed | No |
30/05/2022 | 03/06/2022 | Excessive Debris & Dust | SSDA 8903 | Frasers Property met with and communicated complaint to all Midtown contractors. All contractors are to ensure diligence in maintaining their dust management policies and procedures to minimise impacts within our control to neighbouring properties. The Project Team is aware that there were particularly high winds at the time of the complaint that exacerbated dust spread at Macquarie Park, and elsewhere across Sydney. | Closed | No |
19/08/2022 | 19/08/2022 | Out of hours noise complaint, works commencing prior to 7am. | SSDA 8903 | Frasers Property communicated and provided a copy of complaint to all contractors onsite. Contractors have been instructed to ensure compliance with the DA approved hours of work. | Closed | No |
5/10/2022 | 6/10/2022 | Ryde Council contacted the EPA regarding concern they had relating to construction activities at Ivanhoe Place Macquarie Park. | SSDA 8903 | The contractor responsible for the relevant works was immediately notified by Frasers Property following contact from Council and the EPA. A site inspection was carried out by the EPA who then notified the contractor of required actions to further improve sediment control on the site. All actions are now confirmed as closed out following a secondary site inspection by the EPA on 10 November 2022. | Closed | No |
9/11/2022 | 9/11/2022 | Mud & dust accumulation on pedestrian walkway at Shrimptons Creek. | SSDA 8903 | The section of pedestrian walkway affected has been raised and resealed to rectify the reported issue. Frasers Property will monitor ongoing maintenance of the area with the contractor undertaking works along Shrimptons Creek. | Closed | No |
Reporting period – 2023
Date of complaint | Date of response | Nature of complaint | Development approval | Project response | Complaint status | Emergency complaint |
19/06/2023 | 19/6/2023 | An incident was reported at a nearby site regarding parking and there was an argument. Concerns were raised that it may have been a contractor from Midtown however they could not be identified. | SSDA 8903 | Frasers Property take complaints seriously. Contractors at Midtown have been reminded at tool box talks not to park in other sites or complexes where they are not permitted. Contractors have been advised if they are approached by members of the public to respectful at all times. | Closed | No |
6/10/2023 | 10/10/2023 | Potential noise from the rooftop fan in the future. | SSDA 8903 | The FPA team has confirmed that the fan on the rooftop of MAC Residences serves as a stair pressurization fan. Although it is not currently operational, it will run during annual fire tests for half-hour intervals. The noise levels will be monitored and controlled in accordance with the Australian Standard for the noise criteria of the stair pressurization fan. | Closed | No |
25/10/2023 | 30/10/2023 | Concerns about pedestrian walkway along Herring Road. | SSDA 8903 | Fence has been relocated to free up the pedestrian accessway and further effort will be made to minimise the disruption in the next few months before the building construction is completed. | Closed | No |
24/11/2023 | 29/11/2023 | Afterhours noise complaint. | SSDA 8903 | Afterhours works were not related to the Midtown development site. However, builders have been reminded of the approved working hours permissible on the site. | Closed | No |
Reporting period – 2024
Date of complaint | Date of response | Nature of complaint | Development approval | Project response | Complaint status | Emergency complaint |
12/12/2024 | 17/12/2024 | Sediment Control | SSDA 15822622 | Complaint was received into sediment control measures implemented to the road network and surrounds for the works. Sediment control measures were in place and operational however certain areas required additional measures to reduce risk of sediment entering the stormwater system. A clean up of sediment build up around sediment control was also required. | Closed | No |
6/05/2024 | 6/05/2024 | Safety concern on rooftop | SSDA 8903 | A complain was lodged about an individual spotted on the rooftop smoking during the daytime. Residents don’t have rooftop access and all onsite workers have been reminded of safety regulations, especially the rooftop access is strictly limited to contractors performing their duties. | Closed | No |
04/06/2024 | 11/06/2024 | Dirty water entering Shrimptons Creek | SSDA 8903 | The complaint was caused by heavy rainfall leading to an overflow at the C4 site. Contractor has since blocked the site's overflow point. A review of the site's sediment controls confirmed no rainwater had been pumped off-site since the event, and all sediment control measures were operating correctly. | Closed | No |