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In the early stages of the homebuying process, it’s important not to lock yourself into a particular suburb. It’s better to have a general area in mind with a handful of places that have access to the things you’re looking for.
Sue says: “Pick a general area you believe has the most things that are important to your lifestyle.”
Whether you’re set on inner city living or something more semi-rural, you should always have a look in person. Don’t be afraid to challenge yourself or think outside the box. Anything is possible and might surprise yourself.
Sue says: “Visit top priority locations first, but be open to widening your search. You never know what you’ll find.”
Drive through the area and take it in at a glance. Visit local community centres and see if they’re up to your standard. You can even pop into a local café and get to know the locals. Being inquisitive is a great way in.
Consider your proximity to the city and how much you’re getting for the price you’re paying. Generally, in these masterplanned communities, you’ll get bigger blocks with more opportunities for the kinds of things you want.
Sue says: “Think about the home you want and the price comparison across different communities.”
Be open to new friendships. Moving communities means meeting new people and more often than not, they’ll be starting out fresh too. And if they have kids of their own, it’s an opportunity to raise your children together.
Sue says: “Community is about growth and you’ll find many supportive people with the same outlook as you.”
Ask yourself what you need on day one. Some buyers need playgrounds and are happy to wait for transport connections in the future. While others are the opposite. There’s no wrong answer. Consider your priorities.
Sue says: “Be clear on what your number one must haves are, but also consider what’s to come in the future.”
Ask yourself what you’re prepared to wait for. Every masterplanned community has a schedule of what’s underway or coming soon. Look at the plan, think ahead and envision what you’ll have in five years’ time.
Sue says: “Think about the bigger picture and consider all the things your community will have in the future.”
No one has it all when they buy their first home. So be diligent in your must and nice to haves. Again, it’s important to remember that new things will come to your community in due time, so remember to think ahead.
Keying in the name online will give you a good outlook of what’s to come or currently happening in a particular community. For further research, you can also look into the ABS and see what kinds of people might be living in your area.
Sue says: "Google or using the ABS is a great way to get a general overview of your community if you need it."
Most of these communities have an official masterplan and that will be your go-to guide for any questions you might have. From here, you can plan out the proximity of your home from all the things that make life great.
Have a chat to the development manager for any queries you might have. It’s your chance to have an honest, in-depth conversation about what you can expect from life in that community. They’ll be more than happy to help.
Sue says: "Make the most of your time in the sales centre, ask the developers any questions you may have."
There are many factors that go into public transport like time in transit, parking and peak hour density. So, hop on the train, take a ride and see if the commute is right for you. Don’t forget, new stations are currently underway.
Sue says: "We’re upgrading the transport network, but you should see if what’s available suits your needs."
A community in its early stages will have a different value proposition to one that’s developed. Both have unique growth trajectories with the former usually having a way to go. Your choice depends on your objectives.
Sue says: "The value of your home isn’t stagnant. Buying early may give you greater returns in the long run."
Remember, buying a home is always going to be a work in progress and no place is perfect from the get-go. However, meeting a handful of priorities goes a long way to ensuring your choice is one that’s right for you.
Sue says: "The perfect home is the one that has the most potential. Pick your top priorities and away you go."