myFrasersProperty 13 38 38
myFrasersProperty 13 38 38

Ed.Square Construction Update - Brooklyn Row - Block 1 (BE Homes)

12 October 2023

We are pleased to bring you an update on your home in Brooklyn Row Block 1.

We have seen wonderful progress on-site since our last update.

Block 1 townhomes are progressing well with the second coat of paint well advanced, along with carpet installations. Podium level has been waterproofed and the screed has been installed, this will now allow the tile installation to commence.

Landscaping preparation works for paving and garden installation has commenced on ground floor, this will see a big change in the coming weeks with paving and footpath works commencing.

Based on the current construction program, inspections will commence in October, 2023 with settlements to occur from November, 2023.

The anticipated completion dates are based on the current program and are reviewed on a regular basis to ensure we deliver a quality outcome. From time to time, there will be movement in these dates to allow for unforeseeable events such as extreme weather.

Site Safety

We understand and share your growing interest and excitement as your new home begins to take shape. We are also highly committed to the safety of our purchasers and members of our construction team. Hence, we would like to remind you that at no time are any of our purchasers permitted to enter the construction site or fenced compounds, as doing so places you at risk of accident or injury.

If you have any queries about your home, please reach out to Customer Care Team at or by calling 13 86 88.

Brian Halpin Customer Care Coordinator Frasers Property Australia

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