myFrasersProperty 13 38 38
myFrasersProperty 13 38 38

At Frasers Property, we're committed to boldly growing our business in ways that are good for our people, customers and the environment.

We document the goals and targets we set for ourselves, to pinpoint how and when we plan to make a difference. Every two years we review our targets, reflecting on our successes and challenges, and identifying new priorities and opportunities based on changes in the market, our customers, technology and climate science.

Our ESG metrics are currently under review as part of refreshing our strategy. We note that we are still making substantial progress in Sustainability performance.

In the last 12 months we have:

Completed our second Innovate RAP to 90% and are in the process of developing a new Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan.
Completed limited assurance of our greenhouse gas inventory that considers all emission associated with scopes 1, 2 & 3.
Achieved performance indicators for sustainability linked loans – including for carbon reductions associated with scopes 1, 2 & 3.
Undertaken thermal performance modelling across standard townhouse product to enable optimisation of building orientation and fabric.
Conducted lifecycle assessments on selected townhouse, apartment, and infrastructure projects to better understand how to reduce embodied carbon emissions.
Undertaken decarbonisation pathways for our existing commercial assets.
Undertaken a readiness assessment against the Total Climate-related Financial Disclosures Standard and are preparing for the implementation of Australian Sustainability Reporting Standard in Australia.
Rolled out design thinking and innovation training and workshops to staff.

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Acting Progressively


Align FPA's governance, business strategy and risk management procedures to account for climate related risks in accordance with TCFD recommendations, by 30 September 2021

We have completed a gap analysis of current processes against TCFD recommendations and have appointed a consultant to assist in reviewing our current systems and procedures to meet TCFD requirements

In progress


Establish mandatory Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) considerations for all investment proposals, by 30 September 2020

We have identified the most material considerations, and developed an assessment and reporting methodology that we plan to pilot in the near future.

In progress


Using relevant third-party certification programs, certify 100% of owned and managed assets, by 30 September 2024

All assets currently hold a third-party certification that is Green Star Performance, Design As Built, Buildings or through the NABERS suite of ratings.



Using relevant third party certification programs, certify all new projects, from 30 June 2020

We will continue to maintain a 5 star Green Star Design and As Built or Green Star Communities certification standard for all new developments.



10% of staff in each Division to be trained Innovation Champions, from 30 September 2020

We have achieved more than 10% trained Innovation Champions across Australia.



Maintain minimum 5 star GRESB status for FPA (Developer), FPI and FLT

We achieved 5 star GRESB status since 2018.



10% of staff in each Division to be trained Innovation Champions, from 2020

We have achieved more than 10% trained Innovation Champions across Australia.



Be recognised in the top quartile of innovative companies from 2018

While the third party assessment has changed, we were shortlisted in the AFR Most Innovative Companies List in 2018 and 2020.

Not achieved


Implement Resilience Policy amp; Framework from 2018

Achieved successfully.



Include ESG in our impact risk assessment by 2016

We achieved this through Green Star requirements and certification. We have also developed a CSR Policy.



All new developments and properties owned and / or managed will be Green Star certified by 2018

We have achieved a minimum 5 Star rating on all new industrial buildings. We have targeted 5 Stars for commercial and 6 Stars for retail in development.



Undertake a climate risk assessment on 100% of all investments by 2016 and develop climate adaptation plans as appropriate

We undertook climate risk assessments for all properties in 2016, and continue to assess properties as part of Green Star. We've also established a Resilience Policy.



All new developments and properties owned and / or managed will be Green Star certified by 2018

We have achieved a minimum 5 Star rating on all new industrial buildings. We have targeted 5 Stars for commercial and 6 Stars for retail in development.


Consuming Responsibly


Establish a Responsible Sourcing Policy and integrate into procurement decision-making, by 30 September 2020

We’re committed to tackling Modern Slavery and are in the process of finalising our Policy and establishing the processes to ensure it is embedded within our business.



Be net zero carbon in development and operation, from 30 September 2028

We’re developing a net zero carbon roadmap and ambitious targets that include scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions.

In progress


Real Utilities assessment to be included in every investment proposal, from 30 September 2020

We have completed this for Retail and Commercial projects and are in the process of completing for Residential and Industrial projects.

In progress


Develop a sustainable product database, and integrate into design and procurement decision-making for new projects, by 30 September 2021

We are working towards supporting an existing external database.

In progress


Develop a company-wide biodiversity strategy, by 30 September 2021

We have conducted research and are currently developing our Biodiversity Strategy to drive our investment, design and delivery decisions.

In progress


Develop a Toward Zero Waste roadmap, by 30 September 2021

We have piloted Towards Zero Waste projects, including at Burwood Brickworks and are piloting a circular economy project.

In progress


Divert minimum 98% construction waste from landfill on all new build projects, from 30 September 2020

In FY20 we achieved a construction recycling rate of 90%. We will continue to work towards achieving this target in FY21 and beyond.

In progress


Maintain Climate Active Carbon Neutral certification for our organisation and corporate operations, with year on year improvement plans to reduce emissions

We've been certified as a carbon neutral organisation since 2015/16, and will continue to maintain this.



All projects to have a biodiversity management amp; feature plan by 2020

We began work on this target, then resolved to step back and develop our over-arching biodiversity strategy.

Not achieved


Average 98% construction recycling rates by 2020

We made good progress on this target, and widened the scope in 2020.

Not achieved


Be carbon zero by 2028, with a roadmap established in line with SBTs by end of 2018

We registered our Science Based Targets and wrote our Zero Carbon Roadmap, so we updated this target in 2020.

In progress


Develop a design and construction waste avoidance policy by 2019

We made good progress on this target, and widened the scope to 'roadmap' in 2020.

Not achieved


Each project to have an integrated water solution by 2020, reducing water use and intensity, with minimum water standards

We are in the process of developing a Minimum Water Efficiency Standard for our new developments and existing assets.

In progress


Establish a Red List product database by 2018

We created Greensheet for Burwood Brickworks, and widened the scope of this target in 2020.

Not achieved


Establish a socially & environmentally responsible procurement policy by 2018

We have developed our CSR Policy.



Establish operational waste strategy by 2018

Achieved successfully. We're now working on a Toward Zero Waste roadmap.



Real Utilities to supply 100% renewable energy by 2023

We are on track to supply 100% renewable energy through on-site and off-site sources.

In progress


Decrease energy intensity by 20%

We have installed renewables and increased efficiency across our assets. We are now focusing on developing a net zero carbon roadmap.

In progress


Incorporate renewable energy into all new developments by 2018

Solar PV is included in our residential minimum energy standards and on all NSW and QLD industrial sites.



Decrease water intensity company-wide by 20%

We have developed a minimum water efficiency standard for new developments and existing assets.

In progress


Re-use water on every new project

We have installed water storage on every new project.



Achieve 90% recycling rates across the business

We achieved 94% recycling across our development business.



Undertake a supply chain review to identify risks and opportunities as per UN Global Compact commitments

We completed a preliminary supply chain review and began engaging with our supply chain.



Review our company-wide biodiversity approach, to understand our impact and potential for value creation

We established a Biodiversity Working Group and began identifying how we can feature biodiversity and biophilia on every project.

In progress


Undertake a Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) for each of our asset classes by 2016

We continue to undertake an LCA on projects to inform our design decisions.


Focusing on People


Implement Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan and demonstrate increased impact upon renewal

Both first and second Innovate RAPs have been completed with second RAP completed up to 90% status at end of term.



Develop and deliver a broad-based Diversity and Inclusion strategy, inclusive of gender, mental health, culture & ethnicity and LGBTIQ; implemented by 30 September 2021

This has been implemented.



All FPA staff to be trained in sustainability by 2017

Sustainability modules are offered as part of mandatory induction training.



Achieve 40% women at CEO -3 level, by 30 September 2020

This is proving challenging, largely due to high staff retention. At the end of 2019, we were at 35%.

In progress


Adopt the Australian Workplace Equality Index (AWEI) framework, by 30 September 2021

We are working towards achieving this target, with submission due early 2021.

In progress


Minimum 200 volunteering days completed by staff annually, from year ending 30 September 2020

As of November 2020, we have completed 29/200 volunteering days for FY21.

In progress


Achieve WGEA certification by 2019

We have achieved this certification in 2019 and again in 2020.



Broaden the Gender Equity Council to include diversity & inclusion by 2019

We achieved this target in 2019, expanding the Council's remit to include LGBTI, culture & ethnicity and cognitive diversity.



Each business unit to deliver new products/services to address access & value from 2018

Achieved successfully. Notably, Residential commenced an innovation mission on this theme.



Roll out national health & wellbeing partnerships for customers and staff from 2017

Achieved successfully. Notably, Life Life Get Active and Smiling Mind.



Establish health & wellbeing metrics for each business unit by 2018

We struggled to collate meaningful data given privacy and other constraints.

Not achieved


Develop an A Different Way engagement plan for internal and external audience by 2018

Successfully completed, noting that ongoing communications are essential to retain awareness and build expertise.



Establish annual FPA Community Day by 2019

After further consideration, we resolved to adopt a days-based volunteering target.

Not achieved


Launch Reconciliation Action Plan by 2018

We launched our first Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan in 2018.



Roll out FPA Community partnership from 2017

Our three-year charitable partnership with Smiling Mind commenced in November 2017.



Develop and implement the FPA Diversity and Inclusion Policy

Our Diversity and Inclusion Policy was launched in October 2016.



Launch Reconciliation Action Plan by 2018

We launched our first Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan in 2018.



80% staff participation in FPA health & wellbeing program by 2020

Achieved successfully. Free flu shots and health checks were popular intiatives.



Continue our safety commitment across the business in accordance with our Occupational Health & Safety Plan

We continue to have safety as a top priority for our employees, contractors and customers.



Establish a shared value measurement tool for use on all projects by 2017

We launched our Community Investment Strategy, and began working with partners to develop a measurement tool.

Not achieved