18 December 2023

As part of the Francis Street upgrade works associated with the Bradmill development, road widening into the existing nature strip on the southern side of Francis Street is currently taking place to allow for new access lanes into the development, and new traffic signals at the intersection with Roberts Street.

As part of the road upgrade works, some maintenance and relocation of existing services is required. This includes upgrading a 400mm main transmission gas line which is situated in the westbound slow lane of Francis Street.

This gas line is coated with coal tar enamel which needs to be removed and disposed of before the pipe can be sand blasted and a new coating applied. While the pipe is exposed it will also be integrity tested.

We would like to provide the community with a description of the process, so you have a full understanding of the works taking place in your neighbourhood.

Pipe coating methodology:
  1. Winslow excavate alternative 8m long bays to expose the pipe, install excavation shields and access steps for safety.
  2. The excavated bays are then handed over to Downer, who have been appointed as managing agent by the gas authority Ausnet. Downer will complete the pipe coating works on behalf of Ausnet.
  3. Downer then completes site preparation installing tents to cover the bays, establish an asbestos exclusion zone and set up asbestos air monitoring.
  4. The coal tar enamel coating containing asbestos is removed. Asbestos is bonded and does not become friable during the removal process.
  5. The removed coating is then bagged and sealed inside the tent and deposited into a steel skip which is designated specifically for asbestos waste. The waste bin is removed and emptied after every shift at a licensed asbestos landfill for disposal. Every bag of asbestos is registered with the EPA and a tracker ID is assigned to this waste to record where it originated, who removed it and where it was disposed of. While this removal is carried out, three asbestos air monitors will be situated around the tent and monitored daily by a registered hygienist.
  6. After removal of the coating, a licensed and registered hygienist will inspect the pipe for remaining pieces of coal tar. Once satisfied, the hygienist provides a written and signed assurance the area is free of any asbestos type materials before sand blasting can commence.
  7. The pipe is then sand blasted under the tent to mitigate sand from escaping the bay at high velocity. As the sand is single sized particles, it is not a source of dust itself, but the pressure from the nozzle can blow existing loose surfaces. To further mitigate any loose matter escaping the tent into the environment, temporary fencing around the site is covered with a double layer of shade cloth.
  8. After the pipe is sand blasted, it undergoes integrity testing and is then ready to receive the new coating.
  9. The coating will then be sprayed on by a specialist coating expert using specialist PPE for this type of chemical. Due to particle change and weight, this chemical does not remain airborne and thus, does not dissipate into the environment or create dust. After curing for 24 hours, the new coating will be tested and once passed, the bay will be handed over to Winslow for backfilling.
  10. Winslow will backfill the pipe bay with triple washed sand and compact it using hydraulic compaction which does not create vibration. This sand is similar to beach sand and does not create dust.
  11. Winslow will then reinstate the road surface.


For further details please contact:
Property Australia
13 38 38

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